Clippers History

Page 3 of 5 - 1995 (Canberra) to 1997 (Sydney)

1995 saw the Clippers with a new Musical Director in the form of the legendary Link Abbott. Link was well known for his work with the Gold Coast Banana Blenders, and the Canberra convention that year promised to be a great outing with Link at the helm.

The Clippers again finished in fourth position, this time beaten by only one point for the bronze. Quartets who competed were "Seventh Heaven" (finished 7th and sang in the finals), "Preferred Stock" (finished 8th and sang in the finals) and "City Slickers" who finished 16th out of 32 competing."


The Clippers - Canberra 1995

Preferred Stock Quartet was all Clippers members. The bass was Linc Abbott, the Musical Director (shown above in the lower far left front of the picture), the baritone was Richard Pond (far left of the middle row), the tenor was Hank Steenhuis (far left of the top row), and the lead was Mell McMichael (fourth from the right in the top row).

City Slickers Mk 11.............

City Slickers - Canberra 1995

(L-R: Mike Muller, Mal Brewer, Gordon Sanderson and Colin Chapman)

Preferred Stock - Canberra 1995

Also that year, Seventh Heaven won the Tropicarnival Eisteddfod. They even beat High Five that day!

Seventh Heaven - Tropicarnival Eisteddfod 95

L-R: Steve Harris (tenor), Mark McCosker (lead), Cliff Callinan (bass), John Gairns (bari)

Seventh Heaven after competition in Canberra 95

L-R: Steve Harris (tenor), Cliff Callinan (bass), Mark McCosker (lead), John Gairns (bari)


At the convention in Sydney in 1997 the Clippers came fourth when two other choruses tied for second and the silver medal. No bronze was awarded. Quartets who competed were "City Slickers" who came in 9th place and again sung in the finals, "Quadravox" who came in 12th, "Fine Tuning" who came in 14th and "Old Timers" who came in 38th.

 River City Clippers - Sydney 1997

City Slickers Mk III.......

City Slickers - 1997

L - R Mike Muller (tenor), Arthur Athanassiou (lead), Jeff Gehrmann (bass) and Colin Chapman (baritone)


Between the 1997 and 1999 conventions, Bill Staff (formerly Musical Director of the Banana Blenders) took over the reins from Link.

Every year between National conventions, we hold regional conventions, and in every year from 1997 - 1999 the Clippers won Silver coming second the Banana Blenders.

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